Does size matter, or myths and reality about the penis

It’s no secret that the length and volume of the male genitalia vary. In this case, it’s not just about the state of the penis, whether it’s erect or not. There are a lot of rumors about the role of penis size, which are not always true.

We are going to tell our readers and potential clients of our most prestigious erotic massage parlor in Prague a lot of interesting facts and arguments related to this topic. They will help to distinguish true information from speculation and fiction.

The study and its results

The initiator and main executor of the relevant research work, which was carried out in the eighteenth century, in 1768, was the scientist Richard Edwards. Its goal was to determine the average size of the male sexual organ. The project involved 1700 gentlemen.

The task of these participants was to assess their own penis in terms of its size. Each man had to assign his penis to one of the categories according to its length. According to the proposed classification, a size of up to 14 cm was considered «modest», from 15 to 17 cm — «average», and over 17 cm — “outstanding”.

The study proved that the average length of a male pride object was 16 cm.

The most common myths and their refutations

There are a number of well-known myths that have nothing to do with reality.

  • Myth 1. The size of a man’s penis depends on his other physical parameters. For example, there are rumors that the longer a man’s nose is, the longer his penis should be. Some «experts» are convinced that the size of the penis is influenced by the height, palm area or length of the fingers or toes of its owner. In fact, such statements are false. There is no connection.
  • Myth 2. Black men living on the African continent have the largest penises. This is not entirely true. The following opinion is more accurate: representatives of the Black and Caucasian races have larger male organs compared to Asians (representatives of the Mongolian race) and the population of Latin America.
  • Myth 3. A large penis is typical for gentlemen of non-traditional sexual orientation. The falsity of this opinion has long been proven by research. There is absolutely no reason to believe this fiction.
  • Myth 4. During an erection, this organ grows differently in different men. In fact, the consequence of such an excited state is an increase in the volume of the penis exactly twice. However, this does not mean that the erect organ becomes twice as long as it was in a calm state. In fact, in 28% of the stronger sex, it mostly thickens, and in one in four, it changes its shape to a slightly curved, bent one.

One way or another, many gentlemen dream of enlarging their manhood. Some of them even resort to surgical operations, which sometimes turn out to be risky and lead to unpredictable consequences.

But there are several manual exercises that help to actually enlarge the male penis without surgery. They are well known to our seductive masseuses and are practiced by them during eromassage sessions, if a demanding client so desires.

We will tell you about some of the ways that really “work” below.

How can erotic massage techniques help?

The essence of this delicate massage technique, which has proven to be effective, is in special training that a man can do on his own.

There are several suitable methods — their essence and algorithms are described below.

  • Method 1: An unexcited penis is kept in a stretched state for several minutes, after which a short pause is made, and then they begin to massage the penis in circular motions. Then the procedure is repeated from the beginning. During stretching, the penis should be pulled in one direction, then in the opposite direction. The training ends with holding the stretched organ for 1 minute and then pressing it down.
  • Method 2: The manhood is stretched and squeezed rhythmically, at a fast pace, for 15 seconds each time. Then the action is repeated, directing the organ to the right or left. In case of arousal, run your fingers from the beginning to the middle of the penis 10 times. After that, take the penis in the palm of your hand and move it in a circle the same number of times. Next, stretch the organ forward, increasing its length.
  • Method 3: Ask the man to take a breath and, having felt a point in the center of his perineum, press on it with three fingers. When the penis becomes erect, the other hand is run along it from the base to the head. Then the aroused organ is rotated in all directions, and the hand that previously performed the pressure begins to tap the client’s thighs. All movements are repeated several times, changing the pace.

These exercises should be performed carefully, gently, and accurately, avoiding pain. If a professional masseuse from our Fenix salon takes over, you won’t feel any discomfort but will experience real pleasure and satisfaction.

It is interesting

There is a lot of information available on how to solve the problem of penis enlargement in men. However, we will not take responsibility for their authenticity — let it remain an intrigue.
There are two scientists who have proposed their own methodology that will allegedly help to make the size of the penis more solid. One of these researchers is Jelking; the other is Kegel.

Jelking developed a whole program — an instruction with a rather complicated algorithm. The founder of this doctrine himself proved that the technique he proposed could lengthen the penis to a record 50 cm.

Kegel suggested that men who wanted to enlarge their main intimate organ should train the perineal muscle, which is responsible for urination and ejaculation. To see the results of such special exercises, you will have to perform them for a long time and daily, and then do not forget about hygienic relaxation procedures with penis massage in warm water.

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