What reduces and increases passion

Everyone knows that with long-term relationships and the influence of various life, social factors, passion can fade. To enhance and improve sexual life, it is necessary to work fruitfully on it and allocate enough time. In this case, there are no specific rules, all individually, but there are tips on how to increase sexual attraction, using flirting, intimate correspondence or an erotic massage session for a couple, which will be discussed in this article.

Definition and meaning

Passion is a state that is manifested by an irresistible feeling of attraction to someone or something. Many scientists and psychologists have long worked and are working on this topic. Over the years of research, it was determined that love has three main independent dimensions: passion, intimacy and commitment, so it is very important to work on these components for a happy relationship.

Regular sex life has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of a person, brings pleasure to both partners, taking into account their wishes and intimate fantasies. To have a strong relationship, you need to work on them, paying considerable attention to intimate attraction.

Manifestation of passion in relationships

  • Sexual desire is manifested by the release of adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine, which cause increased emotions and euphoria.
  • The release of hormones contributes to an increase in sexual desire and desire for intimate relationships with a loved one.
  • Looping- characterized by constant thoughts about the partner, his body, smell
  • Hormonal communication causes emotional dependence, search for meeting options, rapprochement at the physical level
  • A strong feeling tends to decrease or even disappear, it affects stress, a decrease in the hormone of joy-dopamine, a decrease in diversity, everyday problems.

A Beneficial Influence

  • Gives positive emotions, energizes, which in turn affects the appearance, well-being in general, strengthens immunity
  • Enhances self-esteem, self-confidence and gives determination
  • Sponge to create long-term and strong relationships, provide experience.

Negative impact

Sometimes too high passion can cause negative consequences, including:

  • the persons to whom a special attraction is felt have an ideal image, the disadvantages of character and behavior become invisible
  • intense desire can provoke the occurrence of rash acts, dangerous actions, violation of the law
  • loss of self and connection with real lifе
  • strong attraction exhausts the body, the nervous system, which leads to a decrease in the resistance of the immune system, irritation.

It is important to control your emotions and feelings so that a good feeling does not turn into a negative experience and consequences.

Causes of decreased passion

The most common causes that affect the reduction of passion are:

  • emotional alienation (loss of communication with a partner)
  • deficiency of physical intimacy (hugs, kisses, relaxing erotic massage, in which erogenous zones are excited)
  • the absence of dating, walking (home routine fills most of our lives, fatigue and exhaustion take away any desire for rapprochement and knowledge of each other)
  • criticism and identification of a partner’s shortcomings.

What enhances passion

You can return a strong attraction thanks to the fruitful work and desire of both partners, improving the sexual life can require significant resources, so you do not need to be shy to talk with your partner, learn to hear desires, needs and erotic fantasies. Here are examples of some important tips:

  1. Talk to your partner, build emotional connections, share desires, fantasies that you will realize together.
  2. Experiment (think what new I would like to try in a relationship, read erotic books, watch movies together, maybe something from what you see will want to translate into reality)
  3. Flirt (heat up the feeling of desire before intimacy, it can be both erotic correspondence with a loved one, and the exchange of intimate photos)
  4. Sexy lingerie (many men, as they say, love “eyes,” so it is equally important to pay attention to the woman of her image, choose a beautiful and exciting lingerie that will seduce your partner and increase the excitement and desire to remove it).
  5. Pay attention to foreplay (study your partner’s erogenous zones, caress them, kiss them, this is very important for arousal and release of natural lubrication, you can use masturbation or sex toys, erotic massage, etc.).
  6. Erotic massage (to diversify sexual life, increase self-confidence and reduce nervous tension, improve blood circulation, you can order a tantric massage session or pair in erotic salons or perform massage techniques at home)
  7. Role-playing games (you can get new sensations using new ones that enhance your desires, you can buy costumes in sex shops, images are popular: nurse, teacher, policeman)
  8. Study and practice of new interesting poses
  9. A change of scenery also plays an important role to strengthen the passion in the relationship, choose new places.
  10. Use the services of a sex shop (you can add passion in bed thanks to sex toys, erotic lingerie, lubricants).
  11. Devote time to sexual life, there should be no fuss, do it qualitatively, because intimate relationships require work, desire and patience.

The return of passion requires effort, time and mutual desire of partners
work on the problem. Open communication, support and willingness to change will help maintain, strengthen relationships and make them happy.

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