Erotic massage as an effective method of preventing prostatitis

According to statistics, adenoma of the prostate in one or another degree suffers about a third of gentlemen over 30 years old, and by the age of 50, this widespread disease affects about every second man.

The reasons for the development of this unsafe pathology, which causes a lot of trouble and discomfort to representatives of the stronger sex, as well as deprives them of the pleasure of a full sexual life, can be different. To the risk factors experts include genetic predisposition, inactive lifestyle, bad habits and inflammatory processes in the body.

Timely prevention of prostatitis will help to avoid this disease, about which we will tell you further.


Prostatitis, which often takes a chronic form, is accompanied by a number of signs that indicate that male health is threatened. Typical for the clinical picture of this disease are the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations in the area of the prostate gland;
  • violation of urination – this physiological process becomes painful and difficult, and the urges become more frequent;
  • severe pain during erection, problems with potency and decreased libido;
  • excessive sweating.

Not surprisingly, against the background of such a pathological condition, men often develop persistent depression associated with the realization of their own inferiority and lowered self-esteem.

Can prostatitis be prevented?

Urologists recommend several methods to prevent this disease. Modern options for the prevention of prostatitis can be different.

For example, they include adherence to the principles of a healthy diet and an optimal drinking regimen. According to experts, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants can reduce the risk of prostate adenoma. At the same time, the amount of food containing fats of animal origin should be reduced to a minimum.

Doctors advise to pay special attention to physical activity and sports to avoid the development of prostatitis. Exercise, which helps improve blood circulation in the pelvis and strengthens muscles, should be regular. In addition, gentlemen are advised to minimize the use of alcoholic beverages and nicotine. They should avoid stress, be able to manage their negative emotions and maintain hygiene.

In specialized medical institutions at the initial stage of the disease, patients are offered special therapeutic exercises. Regular yoga classes can also bring positive results.

We will tell you what to do to avoid prostatitis for sure – this information will undoubtedly interest most of the stronger sex.

How can eromassage help with prostatitis?

We can offer those men who care about their physical and sexual health a different kind of methodology. It is proven to be effective and much more pleasant than demanding gymnastic exercises and often exhausting workouts.

Our salon in Prague practices various types of erotic massage for gentlemen, the technique of which involves professional massaging of the prostate.

This technique has a complex positive effect on the male organism, preventive and in the initial stages of the disease therapeutic. It is possible to name several results of the corresponding special massage sessions, testifying to their effectiveness:

  • stimulation of blood circulation in the prostate gland area, which normalizes the state of the reproductive system, prevents the appearance of painful symptoms and eliminates them;
  • аcceleration of excretion of exudate accumulated in the prostate – secretory fluid, which accumulates pathogenic, provoking inflammatory processes, microorganisms;
  • optimization of the work of the genitourinary system – its functionality, thanks to a special massage, returns to normal;
  • strengthening of pleasurable sensations during orgasm – they become more intense and extremely vivid.

Practice proves that several sessions of erotic massage are enough to prevent the development of inflammation of the prostate gland and get rid of the initial symptoms of the corresponding pathology. As a result of this massage procedure, male ejaculation is no longer accompanied by painful sensations – our clients regain the joy of a full sexual life and self-confidence.

Why visit Fenix erotic massage parlor?

Our elite massage establishment in Prague is top rated because it has a number of advantages.

  • Cozy, stylishly and exquisitely decorated interior and perfectly comfortable atmosphere for our guests. We sincerely care that every visitor feels care and attention as soon as they enter our prestigious salon. Sessions take place in a relaxing environment with dimmed lights and delightful, relaxing music.
  • Professionalism and high appearance of the masseuses. They know the technique of delicate, intimate massage for men, including preventive and therapeutic, to perfection. At the same time, these ladies, who provide such popular services, look delightful – impeccability in everything is our specialty.
  • Observance of the necessary hygiene standards. We treat this important issue with the utmost care. We prioritize neatness and cleanliness, which is a priority condition for the health of clients and staff.
  • Using special high quality oils that enhance the effect of massage procedures. These natural, not containing synthetic fragrances and other adversely affecting the body components liquids, help our visitors to experience an unsurpassed feeling of bliss and relaxation.
  • Affordable, fair prices. Our erotic massage service is no more expensive than our competitors, but unequivocally surpasses them in quality. For regular clients or those who claim several sessions, we offer favorable discounts.

Just one session can give any of our guests an incredible, unprecedented feeling of bliss and have a positive impact on their sexual health, urological organs and male strength.

We guarantee that during this procedure our clients, regardless of their physical and psychological problems, will not feel any pain, but they will know what real tenderness and pleasure is. In addition to preventive eromassage for the stronger sex, our service includes massage for women and couples, as well as Fenix branded massage technique, developed by our specialists for the most demanding visitors.

There is an alternative to gymnastics and medication to prevent prostatitis by visiting our massage parlor. Join the ranks of our clients: take care of your intimate health by trusting the most qualified and experienced professionals!

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